
Saturday, October 19, 2024 @11am

Health Talk & Plant Based Meal


Health and wellness presentation with free plant based Filipino inspired meal. Program from 11am-1pm (ish) at the Victoria Filipino Canadian Seventh-day Adventist Church, Victoria, BC.

Registration Required so that we plan food for those attending:  FREE TICKETS CLICK HERE

NOTE: Thank you for your DONATIONS. Tax receipts issued for donations over CAD$25 can only be issued if we have your name, address, phone and email. We cannot issue a tax receipt if we only get an e-Transfer and do not have any of your contact information or a way to send you a receipt. Include your name, address and phone in NOTES or EMAIL when you donate to ensure that we have the information to issue a charitable receipt. You may use our CONTACT page to email us. Please only donate through secure methods. Do not send your payment information via email.

Holiday Meal – December 25, 2024

Announcement coming soon!

We look forward to having you join us in person for a delicious whole food plant-based meal during the holidays. Stay tuned and sign up for our e-news so you’re first to hear!

The Victoria Healthy People Team

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s Story:  Prevent & Reverse Cardiovascular Disease–From Steak to Plant-based Diet

Dr. Michael Greger:  Why He Became a Doctor and Practice Lifestyle Medicine

Label Reading  TBA soon
(Whole Foods Market @ Uptown)



5pm-6pm and 6pm-7pm

More information and FREE tickets:






Beachfront Walk

We’re partners with Doctors of BC to bring you this Walk with your Doc.  A family physician with a Masters in Public Health will be joining us.  Coming soon…a Cardiac Surgeon too!

Join us for a medium-paced walk from Oak Bay Marina to Willows Beach round trip.  Meet new friends and learn more about health while we walk.  Your opportunity to be interactive with your doc!

Sign-up so we know you’re coming!   (Directions where to meet with ticket)

FREE Tickets